

As one of the top human resource companies, we help our clients find the right candidates and job seekers find their dream company.

HR Consultancy

Over the past few years, HR outsourcing has become a dependable way for many organizations. HR outsourcing helps organizations to reduce operating costs, streamline internal processes and focus on core business operations. With 10 years of HR outsourcing service experience, Allianze have in place the necessary processes, HR consultants and best practices to support you in all aspects of human resources and employment administration.

Manpower and Payroll Outsourcing

All organizations, big or small, invest a huge amount of time, energy, and money in hiring and training quality manpower. In the contemporary dynamic job marketplace, it is very challenging for any organization to be 24x7 ready to manage manpower and payroll related activities. It takes quality time and energy that should ideally go to the core business. A professional payroll outsourcing company could help you solve all your payroll related worries.

Talent Acquisition & Job Placement

Everyone is uniquely talented for one purpose or the other, but when it comes to talent acquisition for any specific company and particular role and responsibility; it is not just a simple recruitment process. Job recruitment is more focused on short-term manpower needs, whereas talent acquisition factors in long-term business goals with a focus on leveraging the power of human capital.

Helping to create long, engaging, and powerful Bonds Within Teams.

Allianze is a recruitment company that provides a comprehensive service that identifies the role requirements in the organization and designs the job description and skill requirements for that role. We provide a broad menu of human resource outsourcing services for companies.

We are here to help You achieve your business goals.

Spend less time doing HR tasks and focus on what matters. Together we translate HR into Business usefulness.